First part: The invasion of the Aliens
Native weed plants: a name that recalls the annoying, but also the Bacchic, the Dionysian.
For the "exotic plants" another terminology is used, very questionable, calling them "xenophytes" or "alien plants", a name that recalls a well-known series of rather terrifying science fiction films, entitled Alien, in fact.
But all this is also reminiscent of another film: The Day of the Triffids, a true masterpiece of cinema: it begins right at the Kew Garden, with the appearance of a strange seedling which, by multiplying excessively, will end up almost destroying the planet Earth.
Today a real phobia has arisen for these species, whether casual or naturalized, which if it finds some reason to exist only in certain specific cases, in the vast majority it is absolutely inappropriate. This fear, anxiety, is in fact rather worrying and serious for all the socio-cultural but also ethno-anthropological implications that it entails.
And there are congresses, conferences, round tables to find, defeat and destroy these dangerous, invasive, "terrorist" species. Clear indication of an unresolved attitude towards the concepts of tolerance and sharing among the living beings of this planet.
It seems that today we prefer to "conflict", fight and not "collude", play together ....
With this in mind, therefore, a "Praise of the Aliens" will be proposed, of some of these exotic plants, often equipped with extraordinary adaptive strategies which, in this historical period, are often so strongly feared and despised.