Ficus macrophylla Desf. Ex Pers.

Fam. Moraceae
One of the first plants to arrive in Negombo; it was planted, in 1956, by Duke Luigi Silvestro Camerini, a specimen of about 15 years. Today it has about 100 years of life.
It is the Moreton Bay fig, which lives in Australia where it can reach 40 m (131.23ft) in height with leaves that can reach 25 cm (9.84"). Edible fruits.

But any technique used to improve nature is itself made by nature, so any form of artifice that adds to nature is really a natural artifice. You see, sweet maid, we marry a more noble stem to a wild stem, so that a lesser plant produces one that is superior. This is an art that improves nature, or rather changes it, but the art itself is natural.

William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale


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