Carissa Macrocarpa

Fam. Apocynaceae

with edible red fruits

Carissa is a genus of evergreen plants of the Apocynaceae family, widespread mostly in the countries of the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, Australia and China. Known as Carissa Grandiflora, it is called Carissa Macrocarpa. So beautiful but also full of terrible spines that they make a plant perfectly suited to borders and fences. Its thorns are hard, dense, pointed, robust and even forked (it was once classified as Arduina bispinosa) and, in fact, in South Africa, an area of its origin, it is used to make truly impenetrable hedges, where even small animals cannot Large and very fragrant flowers similar to those of jasmine but super-gifted in size. If the conditions are favorable, it produces red fruits, ripe as large as cherries, with a pleasant flavor and rich in nuances, suitable for making jams and jellies.
fragrant white flowers

“Each house must have a large garden at the rear, and have a front and rear exit. Very important for the inhabitants are their gardens, in which they have vineyards and all kinds of fruit, spices and flowers grow. They are kept in such an elegant way, as I have never seen anywhere, and this not only because people enjoy gardening, but because there is a competition of zeal between street and street, to whom the best to keep their garden.” Tommaso Moro, Utopia (1516)


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